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Automated Bookkeeping

Looking for an online solution to running your accounts? 


How it works

Step 1

Start Today

After reaching out to us, we can get you started almost straight away. Once you start, we can promise your life will become a whole lot easier almost instantaneously. Our on-boarding specialists have purposefully designed the process to show you how to take care of all your financial administration in as little as 15 minutes - once a week. How easy is that!

Step 2


Our smart phone and optical recognition technologies make bookkeeping faster, easier and more efficient. The technology scans and extracts key information eliminating manual data entry and error. Our Up-To-Date bookkeeping platform then kicks in to turn this rich real time data into valuable reconciled business information. 

Step 3


Each month WE. Accountants will provide you with an overall snapshot of how your business is performing financially to help you optimise your business success story. Our business management report is a significant reporting process asset for your business, concise and easy to read. It will put you in touch with your business finances as close to real time as possible. 

Looking to remove bookkeepers or accountants spending hours just to produce reports?

Ready to save time and money so you can expand your business with confidence?

Having an ‘Up-To-Date’ ™ bookkeeping system lets you know important information; delivering real-time profit & loss, with high accuracy, at the click of a button. It also reduces paperwork and gets rid of 'desk clutter'.

Pedestrain Bridge

150 Victoria Street, Seddon, VIC 3011

Building 1 Suite A1 Level 3, 209 Robina Town Centre Drive, ROBINA, QLD 4226

CONATCT - 1300 459 101


WE. Better, Smarter, Together  |   Scottish House Level 4, 90 Williams Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 

 Metricon Building - Building 1 Suite A1 Level 3, 209 Robina Town Centre Drive, ROBINA, QLD 4226  

1300 459 101


Wealth Effect Group is an Authorised Representative of Boston  Reed Ltd ABN 89 091 004 885, AFSL 225738

“Andre Dirckze (AR 395157)  Wealth Effect Group (CAR 424768) are authorized representatives of Boston Reed AFSL 225738 ABN 89 091 004 885”

As part of our continuing commitment to client service, the maintenance of client confidentiality and as required by law, Boston Reed  Limited complies with the Privacy Act 1988.


Wealth Effect Pty Ltd ATF Wealth Effect Unit Trust. ABN: 78 766 858 328  trading as WE Mortgage Solutions as an Authorised Credit Representative of BLSSA Pty Ltd Australian Credit Licence Number 391237,  Authorised Credit Representative :480612.

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Any advice in this website is of a general nature only and all case studies are for illustrative purposes only. Please seek advice tailored to your own personal circumstances before acting on this information.

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